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SOSCEAN Conference Blames Neglect Of Social Studies, Civic Education In Schools To Dent Of Patriotism, Nationalism

The Acting Vice Chancellor of University of Abuja, Professor Aisha Sani Maikudi, on Wednesday bemoaned the mentality of majority of Nigerian youths who now make caricature of the National anthem, jettisoning patriotism and nationalism on social media.

Speaking at the 12th Annual Conference of Social Studies and Civic Educators of Nigeria, SOSCEAN, at the Faculty of Education Lecture Theater at the Institution’s main campus, Prof Maikudi represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics of University of Abuja, Professor Philip UsoAfaha, noted that the future of the Nation is bleak until “We retrace our steps as a country.”

Prof UsoAfaha said Civic and social studies are the bedrock of education.

According to him, “We have lost it as a nation. Nigeria has failed to develop the spirit of patriotism and nationalism among her growing youthful population. That is what you see and get in any nation that relegated the teaching of Civic, Social studies, history and humanities to the background.”

Re-emphasizing the need to make civic education and social studies as GST (General Study courses) in Institutions of higher learning for our country to re-invent her wheel of progress in patriotism and nationalism.

He tasked the National Assembly of SOSCEAN to see themselves as torchbearer to educate Nigerians on patriotism and love for fatherland.

The National President of SOSCEAN, Prof. K. A. Mezieobi appreciated the Governing Council of University of Abuja through the Vice Chancellor for playing host to the Conference.

The Keynote Speaker, Prof Joseph Onuoha of the University of Nigeria, Nsuka, Enugu State, who is also the National Secretary of SOSCEAN, spoke on the Conference theme: “Repositioning Social Studies and Civic Education for Sustainable National Development and Global Impact”.

He said the relevance of social studies and civic education in influencing a nation’s development and its worldwide impact cannot be over emphasized, stressing that “this keynote speech discusses the necessity for a deliberate repositioning of these disciplines to face the evolving problems of sustainable development.

“By assessing the current status, highlighting important issues, and offering creative measures, this address attempts to provide a complete framework for upgrading social studies and civic education to better support national and global goals.”

According to Prof Onuoha, “the disciplines of social studies and civic education play a crucial role in shaping the future of societies by providing individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to be engaged and well-informed citizens.

“The primary objective of social studies programs is to enhance civic competency, which refers to the information, abilities, and attitudes that students need to effectively fulfil their role as citizens.”

He identified innovations in Repositioning Social Studies and Civic Education for National Development in Nigeria.

This, he said, includes Curriculum modernisation which is needed in order to incorporate contemporary challenges and global trends. Updating the curriculum guarantees that students possess pertinent knowledge and skills to properly tackle national and global concerns.

Others are Novel Pedagogical Approaches, Professional Development for Teachers and
Improved Community Engagement.

The Keynote speech identified suggestions for New Social Studies and Civic Education in Nigeria such as Curriculum Reform, Interactive Learning Methods, Integration with Other Subjects, Community and industry partnership, as well as Regular Teacher training.

He concluded that “Implementing these measures can enhance the contemporaryization of social studies and civic education in Nigeria, hence optimising their efficacy as instruments for promoting national progress and cultivating civic duty.”

In his lead paper presentation, the Chairman Committee of Deans of Faculties of Education in Nigeria and Dean of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Prof. H. I. Bayero, said despite the critical role that Social Studies and Civic Education play in shaping an informed and responsible citizenry, they face significant challenges that hinder their effectiveness in

“These challenges include curriculum gaps, inadequate resources, and outdated
teaching methods, each of which impacts the ability of these subjects to address contemporary
issues and contribute meaningfully to national and global development,” he explained.

He observed that the curriculum often lacks integration of current global issues such as
climate change, digital citizenship, and global economic interdependence, which are crucial for preparing students for the modern world.

“Similarly, Civic Education curricula frequently fall short in providing practical knowledge and skills related to democratic processes, human rights, and civic responsibilities, which are essential for fostering active and informed citizenship.

“These gaps result in a curriculum that is often seen as irrelevant or disconnected from the real-life experiences of students, thereby reducing its impact on their understanding and engagement with societal issues.

He identified other problems to include lack of resources, lack the necessary educational materials, such as textbooks, digital
resources, and interactive learning tools, and the insufficient funding for teacher training and professional development which means that educators often lack the skills and knowledge required to implement updated and effective teaching strategies.

Prof Bayero said “to enhance the relevance and impact of Social Studies and Civic Education in Nigeria, it is essential to implement effective repositioning strategies. These strategies should address curriculum gaps, improve resource availability, and update teaching methodologies.”

Prof Abok Atu Danladi, the Director General, Apudi Institute for Peace and Studies and Social Rehabilitation, Federal Capital Territory was the Chairman of the opening ceremony.

Earlier, Prof. H. A. Apeh, represented Associate Prof M. S. Dada. Acting Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja to deliver the address of welcome.

Sub themes included”Social Studies and Civic Education in Tertiary Institutions” as well as “The Role of Technology/Artificial Intelligence AI in the teaching and learning of Social Studies and Civic Education for global impact”, among others.

The Conference ends on Friday 16th August, 2024.

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