HomeNewsSunday Sermon: Beware Of Household Enemy by Apostle Adesegun Adenekan of Value...

Sunday Sermon: Beware Of Household Enemy by Apostle Adesegun Adenekan of Value Adding Christian Centre,Maya, Ikorodu/Itokin Road, ikorodu Lagos

Text: Matthew 10:36 KJV And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

Overcoming the HOUSEHOLD ENEMY is very important if you must enjoy “all round prosperity”.

This is understanding is very important because it is household enemies who sponsor household Wickedness and it is household Wickedness that caused all forms of evil activities.

Beloved , You can’t go far without prayerfully dealing with household enemies

This truth is very important, because apart from prayer, there is no amount of material gifts you give to household enemy, he /she’s jealousy can never be pacified – Proverbs 6:34-35 KJV.

Beloved, it can be incredibly difficult and disheartening when we discovered that some people in our family are our biggest enemies.

To this end, David cried in Psalm 41:7-9 KJV All that hate me whisper together against me: against me do they devise my hurt.
8] An evil disease, say they, cleaveth fast unto him: and now that he lieth he shall rise up no more.
9] Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.

It was also to this end Jesus says in Matthew 26:23 KJV “… He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me”.

And eventually, Judas one of Jesus’ disciples became his betrayal – Matthew 26:14-16 KJV

Again we saw, Ahithopheal, one of the David’s ally & personal advisers, later became David’s household enemy when he joined hand with Absalom another household enemy to begin a plot to dethrone & drive David away -2 Sam.15:12 – 13 KJV.

The following reasons account for the reason why our family members turned to be our worst enemies:

a). Communication breakdown.
A communication breakdown occurs when there is a failure or interruption in the process of exchanging information or ideas between two or more people.

Communication breakdown can happen for various reasons,such as: * misinterpretation,

  • miscommunication,
  • lack of communication.

b). Unresolved conflicts, e.g, Past hurts.
It was unresolved conflicts between Absalom and Amnon that caused the conflict that resulted into Amnon assassination – 2Sam.13.

Beloved, When conflicts are left unresolved, they can turn family to household enemy.

c). Differences in values.
Many are not strong in understanding differences in values.
This people don’t see diversity as a strength, hence they always have issues with those who are different from them.

This was the problem the Jew had with Apostle Paul.
They couldn’t handle his message of Grace to the Gentiles, as against their message of circumcision – Acts 13:45 KJV .

d). Unhealthy relationship dynamics, such as :

  • Possessiveness,
  • Constant accusations of flirting or cheating.
  • Passive aggression.
  • Jealousy.

It was because of Unhealthy relationship dynamics between Dinah and Shechem, the prince of Hivite, that made Simeon and Levi to destroy the Shechemites city – Genesis 34:2 KJV.

Let Us Pray:

  1. Thank you Lord for today’s valuable words.
  2. O Lord deliver me from household enemies.
  3. I received supernatural Grace to overcome my household enemies.
  4. O Lord frustrate every evil activities of household enemies that causes household wickedness.
  5. O Lord turn the evil counsel of my household enemies into foolishness.
  6. O Lord frustrate any evil conspiracies of the household enemy against me.
  7. Every good things I have pursued I have not receive I receive it by the blood of Jesus.
  8. Every Spell against my life to do satanic agenda is hereby destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
  9. Every satanic spiritual arrows sent to paralyze me is herby nullified and destroyed
  10. Every generational foundational indebtedness holding me down, is hereby repaid & nullified by the blood of Jesus
  11. By the blood of Jesus, O Lord, restore all my fortunes, glory and goodness that was stolen.
  12. Every power holding down the glory of my father’s house is declared broken in Jesus name.
  13. Thank you Lord

Apostle Adesegun Adenekan [AAA]® (Value Adding Christian Centre, Maya, Ikorodu/Itokin Road, ikorodu Lagos)

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