HomeNewsSunday Sermon: Build On The Rock By Rev'd Abraham Nunayon Azosi

Sunday Sermon: Build On The Rock By Rev’d Abraham Nunayon Azosi

TEXT: LUKE 6:46-49


The parable of the wise and foolish builders is found in the Gospel of Matthew (7:24-27) and the Gospel of Luke (6:46-49).

“Build on the Rock” is derived from Jesus’ teaching in Luke 6:46-49, where He emphasizes the importance of obedience to His words as a foundation for a stable and resilient life. This passage serves as a conclusion to His Sermon on the Mount, encapsulating key principles of discipleship and faith.


In Luke 6:46, Jesus poses a rhetorical question: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” This question highlights a disconnect between verbal acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord and actual obedience to His teachings. It challenges individuals who profess faith without corresponding actions. The implication is clear: true discipleship requires more than mere words; it necessitates action that aligns with one’s declarations.


Jesus continues by presenting two contrasting figures through a parable. The first builder represents those who hear His words and act upon them. He is likened to a man who digs deep and lays his foundation on rock. This diligent effort symbolizes commitment to understanding and applying Christ’s teachings in daily life. When storms arise—representing life’s challenges—the house remains unshaken because it is built on a solid foundation.

Conversely, the second builder hears Jesus’ words but fails to act on them. He builds his house without a proper foundation, akin to constructing it on sand. When adversity strikes, this house collapses under pressure, illustrating the dire consequences of neglecting obedience to Christ’s commands.


The Necessity of Building a Strong Foundation:-

The parable emphasizes the necessity of building one’s life on a solid foundation, which is represented by obedience to God’s Word. Just as a house requires a strong base to withstand storms, individuals need to ground their lives in spiritual truths and principles. This foundation provides stability and resilience against life’s challenges.

The Effect of Our actions:-

The foolish builder represents those who hear God’s teachings but fail to act upon them. This action leads to vulnerability during difficult times, akin to a house built on sand that cannot withstand storms. The lesson here is clear: merely listening or acknowledging spiritual truths is insufficient; one must actively apply these teachings in daily life.


The wise builder exemplifies discernment and foresight in making choices. He carefully considers the implications of his actions and seeks guidance before proceeding with construction. This reflects the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding when navigating life’s decisions, ensuring that choices align with divine principles as aligned with Proverbs 3:5-7.

Do you want to make a decision in politics, about marriage, in the family, your career or even in the ministry?, ask God the right approach.

John Stott says and I quote “Decision-making is not just a matter of choosing between alternatives, but of obeying God’s commands.”

Listen to this as John Piper says “I believe that in every decision, we should seek the wisdom of God, and that the way to seek it is to saturate our minds with the Word of God.”

Preparation for life challenges:-

The parable illustrates that life will inevitably present storms—trials and tribulations that test our faith and resolve. By building on the teachings of Jesus, individuals can prepare themselves spiritually to face these challenges with confidence, knowing they have a firm foundation that will not falter. Even if God is leading you, prepare for challenges ahead.


The Bible passage signifies establishing one’s life firmly rooted in Christ’s teachings through active obedience. It calls for introspection regarding how one responds to Jesus’ words—whether they are merely acknowledged or genuinely acted upon.

By embodying these principles, believers can navigate life’s storms with confidence and assurance that their foundation is secure in Christ.
Let us rise as we sing the hymn by the great Hymn writer Edward Mote in 1834 My hope is built on nothing less….

Rev’d Abraham Nunayon Azosi is the Minister in Charge of Methodist Church Nigeria, (Sanctuary of Joy), Olosan Road, Alakia, Ibadan, Oyo State. He can be reached on +234 703 617 6439.

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