HomeNewsSunday Sermon: Divine Encounter by Pastor Babatunde Onaolapo, the Area Overseer of...

Sunday Sermon: Divine Encounter by Pastor Babatunde Onaolapo, the Area Overseer of Whole Life Bible Church, Iwo Road, Headquarters, Ibadan Nigeria

Text; Isaiah 6 Verses 1-8, Rev 1 Verses 1-3,Gen 32 Verses 22-30.

Divine Encounter, can simply be defined as having an intimate moment with God that changes one situation, an experience that can never be forgotten, through out ones life.
This is an experience Jacob had that changed his name from Jacob to Israel.
He was originally a supplanter before he had an encounter with God, and he was able to fight with an Angel of the Lord and he prevailed, this encounter made the angel to request for his name and he reverse every irreversible in his life.
Also, in Isaiah chapter 6, Prophet Isaiah saw the Lord, in the year king Usaih died, he perceived that our God is a holy God.

And he was able to see himself, and he said woe unto me, because am undone and I dwell with undone people and my eyes have seen the God of glory.
Beloved, let us consider What happened when you have an encounter with God.

  1. Your sins are forgiven
  2. Your life change for better completely.
  3. There’s transformation and total turn around.
  4. Deep sense of peace.
  5. There’s physical healing.
  6. Abundant blessings
  7. Ancestral curses are broken
  8. There is liberty
  9. Renewed hope and purpose.
  10. Holiness unto the Lord.

What are the things that serve as Barriers to Divine Encounter?

  1. Lack of quality time in prayer,Luke 18:1
  2. Disobedience, Isaiah I:19
  3. Unconfessed sin.
  4. Pride & greediness.
  5. Lack of Forgiveness
  6. Lack of Faith
  7. Bad Association
  8. Unable to know God personally.
  9. Living in fear and anxiety
  10. The Love of the world.
  11. Failure to study and meditate the Scriptures

I prophesy unto you beloved, Receive the power to have a divine encounter with God that will turn your life for better in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen;

Pastor Babatunde Onaolapo is the
Area Overseer of Whole Life Bible Church, Iwo Road, Headquarters Ibadan. He can be reached on 08051297901

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